The COVID-19 Science Advisory Table for Ontario claims Public Health Ontario notified them the committee will be disbanded as of September 6.The science table will strive to finish off current work as it winds down in the coming weeks, according to a statement released by the advisers today.
They claim that the work of the scientific table is a result of the commitment of hundreds of unpaid scientists, doctors, and administrators since July 2020.According to the advisers, the following fundamental principles will assist Ontario to manage the COVID-19 risks going forward: science matters, equality counts, openness is important, independence must be seen and given in both ways, and speed and relevance are crucial.
Sometimes throughout the epidemic, the science table’s recommendations and counsel ran against what the government was doing, and its previous scientific director, Dr. Peter Juni, was very vocal about this.In a statement, Dr. Fahad Razak, who succeeded Juni this year, expresses his optimism that the scientific guidance the organization gave the public and decision-makers has contributed to lessening suffering.