“Their purpose is awful,” says Kejriwal. Gujarat’s uniform civil code will be implemented by a commission established by the BJP

Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, questioned the motives behind the Gujarat government’s decision to form a committee to implement the Uniform Civil Code on Sunday. He asserted that if the BJP wants to do this, it should do it throughout the entire country.Kejriwal questioned whether the BJP-led federal administration was holding off on taking action until after the Lok Sabha elections.

On the third day of his visit to Gujarat, where the Assembly elections are scheduled for this year’s end, the national convener of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) addressed a press conference in Bhavnagar.
This week, the Gujarat Assembly elections’ schedule is scheduled to be announced by the Election Commission.The Gujarat government said on Saturday that it had chosen to create a committee to implement the Uniform Civil Code, which will be led by a retired judge from the High Court (UCC). The committee will be established prior to the implementation of the model code of conduct for elections, according to Union Minister Parshottam Rupala.

Harsh Sanghavi, the state minister of home for Gujarat, stated that the choice was made in accordance with Article 44 of Part 4 of the Constitution, which requires the state government to administer common law to all residents.In response to a query over the Gujarati government’s choice, Kejriwal asserted that “their purpose is evil.””It is very obvious in Article 44 of the Constitution that it is the duty of the government to draught the Uniform Civil Code. Therefore, the government should create a uniform civil code with the approval of all groups “said he.

According to Kejriwal, the BJP established a comparable committee prior to the election in Uttarakhand.”The committee returned to its house after winning the election. They have now established a new committee, just a few days before the Gujarat poll. After the election, this committee’s (members) will likewise return home “He asserted.Kejriwal also questioned why such a committee hadn’t been established in the BJP-controlled states of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.

“Why don’t they frame it nationwide and put it into effect across the nation if their objective is to enact the Uniform Civil Code? Do they intend to wait until the Lok Sabha elections? “He queried.Asked what Kejriwal was saying, “So first ask them that you do not want to apply the Uniform Civil Code, your motive is terrible,” he replied.

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